Five Pillars Of Islam

Bismillah Hirrahman Nirrahim

1st Pillar: Kalimah-e-Tayyibah (Shahadah) - "Laa ilaaha illallaahu, Muhammadur-Rasulullaah” 
There is none worthy of worship besides Allah SWT and the Muhammad(Peace be Upon him)is the Messenger of Allah.

2nd Pillar: Salat/Salah ( Namaz/ Prayer) - 5 compulsory daily prayers
Salat/Namaz has to perform it correctly with Sincerity 5times a day.

3rd Pillar: Zakat/Zakah- Welfare contribution
Certain Fixed proportion of the wealth is liable for zakat which has to be paid yearly for the benefit of the poor in the Muslim community.

4th Pillar: Saum (Fasting) 
Observe saum(fasting) during the month of Ramadhan ( Avoiding food, drink and sexual intercourse from dawn to dusk).

5th Pillar: Hajj - Pilgrimage to Makkah
To make a pilgrimage to the house of Allah(SWT) which is Kabah the sacred mosque at Makkah(if he/she is able to make this journey).



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