Muhammed (PBUH) - The Trustworthy
Bismillah Hirrahman Nirrahim
The Trustworthy
As a young man, Muhammed (PBUH) became known to everybody as Al Ameen,
'The Trustworthy' because of his honesty and noble character. His uncle
loved him dearly and would take him on trading journey to Syria. This
gave the opportunity to learn how to earn his living as a trader. He
managed business well although he was relatively poor, Muhammed (PBUH)
's truthfulness and generous nature made him trusted and loved by
everyone who knew him.
There lived in Makkah one of the most honorable of ladies her name was
Khadeejah. Muhammed(PBUH) had worked for her and at the age of 25 he
received from her an indirect proposal of marriage. Although she was his
senior and twice widowed, Muhammed(PBUH) accepted her offer.
They were married and lived a happy life. She bore him 2 sons and 4
daughters. Sadly the 2 sons died in infancy; Nevertheless it was an
ideal marriage and they lived together a blissfully perfect family
Inshallah in next blog we will know more about our Prophet
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