Muhammed (PBUH) - The Blackstone
Bismillah Hirrahman Nirrahim
The Blackstone
Muhammed(PBUH)'s company and wise counsel were greatly sought after. It
is said that once when the sacred Kabah was being rebuilt after a
serious flood had damaged its walls, a disagreement arouse among-st the 4
main tribe of the Quraysh as to which tribe should have the honor of
replacing the sacred Blackstone. A skirmish was about to begin, when one
of the elders suggested a solution: "Make the first to enter the gate
your judge", he said they all looked, and to their great joy,
Muhammed(PBUH) entered. ' It is Al Ameen the Trustworthy', They cried.
Muhammed(PBUH) saw what was happening and he asked for a piece of cloth
to be brought. He laid the blackstone upon the cloth and told the
members of each of the 4 tribes to hold the corners of the cloth and
raise the stone as he, himself, eased it into its position. So he ended
the quarrel and with it the treat of war.
The Arabs of his time had many great qualities. They were brave,
generous, loyal and yet they were often involved in petty feuds,
fighting endless battle among-st themselves. Ready to shed blood on the
flimsiest pretext. They had little respect for weak, the orphans or
widows and frequently indulged in heavy drinking and frivolity. Because
of the important status given to sons many fathers practiced the evil
custom of burying their unwanted daughters at birth. But, at the root of
all evils lay Polytheism.
Inshallah in next blog we will know more about our Prophet.
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